Russian House Domodedovo, goods made in Russia

We are happy to invite you to the Russian House boutique, located on the second floor of the international departures gallery of Domodedovo airport, after the main Duty Free walk-through shop.

This is a great opportunity to choose souvenirs and delicacies for relatives, colleagues and friends before the flight.

The store presents goods from Russian producers only:

  • Red and black caviar, different meat pates, dried meat;
  • Matryoshka dolls and souvenirs; small leather goods;
  • Perfumery and cosmetics;
  • Shawls, kokoshniks, souvenir hats;
  • Books;
  • Toys “Masha and Bear” and others;
  • Watches “Slava” and other brands;
  • Confectionery, Altai honey and tea in souvenir packaging;
  • Vodka and wine (to be added to the assortment soon).

We will be glad to see you in the international departures area of Domodedovo airport!

Working hours:


Payment methods:

We accept dollars, euros and dirhams in cash, rubles - in cash, by credit card or SBP payment.


Bldg 7, Domodedovo Airport, Domodedovo, Moscow Region.  


2d floor / international departures area
+7 495 788 80 30 доб. 117
alcohol, perfumes, cosmetics, watches, chocolate, toys, delicacies, souvenirs
Другие магазины в этом аэропорту

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Duty Free Domodedovo, Gate shops
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Sky in Style, Аксессуары
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2 этаж галереи вылета внутренних рейсов
Sky Beauty, парфюмерия и косметика, 2 этаж
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